The House Retirement and Independent Entities Committee met today and passed three bills through the committee with a favorable recommendation. The bills are H.B. 215 Amendments to the Public Employees’ Benefit and Insurance Program Act – Risk Pools, H.B.233 Retirement Office Amendments, and H.B.83 Sub 1 Public Employees Retirement – Spousal Election.
H.B. 215 Amends the Public Employee’s Benefit and Insurance Program Act risk pools for full-time enrollees at an institution of higher education from full time equivalent enrollment of less than 18,000. Currently it is less than 12,000 full time equivalent students.
H.B. 233 modifies the Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act by amending provisions related to appointment of board members, purchase of service credit, disability benefits, and termination of employment on retirement date. This is URS annual “clean up” bill, which intends on clarifying the statue in Title 49 – or the Utah State Retirement and Insurance Benefit Act. UPEA was originally concerned with the original bill and talked to Dan Anderson, URS’ attorney about amending the bill. The bill was amended in committee today.
H.B. 83 Sub 1 requires the Utah State Retirement Office to provide written notice (within 30 days of a change and at least 60 days prior to retirement) to a retiree’s spouse of the retirement allowance option made by the retiree under the Public Employees’ Contributory or Noncontributory Act.