House Democratic Caucus 2/2/10
UPEA staff attended the House Democratic Caucus on 2/2/10, where the House Democratic Caucus discussed various items, including HB 1- Education funding, the Ethics legislation, and various housekeeping items.
Much conversation surrounded the ethics bills that have been presented thus far, including increased financial disclosure, lowering gift limits, and limiting on uses of campaign funds.
Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee 2/1/10
In the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee held on 2/1/10, the committee discussed several issue and budget briefs that had to do with the Departments of Health and Human Services. These issue and budget briefs are linked below.
Department of Health
Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
Health - Federal funds
Health - Intent Language follow up from prior year.
Health - Executive Director Operations
Health Systems Improvement
Workforce Financial Assistance
Community and Family Health Services
Local Health Departments
Health Nonlapsing Balances
Social Services Related Revenue Options
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Division of Aging
The Utah Association of Counties also spoke to the impacts of potential cuts to the Health and Human Services line items described above. They are very concerned about the trickle down effect that this may have on local health departments and governments.