Executive Offices & Criminal Justice 2/3/10
The committee heard from County Sheriffs, the Board of Pardons, and Department of Corrections. The fiscal analyst went over the budget brief on each department.
Tom Patterson, the Executive Director of the Department of Corrections, presented on the budget of DOC. Some of the items that were discussed to address the 5% total budget reduction were to close the Parole Violator Center which would save $7.6 Million, eliminate meals for Correctional Officers which would save $400,000, and close two prison housing units which would save $3.8 Million.
Corrections discussed the risks involved with closing Special Services Dorm and OQuirrh 5 housing unit. If these two pods were to close the Utah Prison would be over maximum capacity by 215 beds. This would mean releasing 215 inmates early, and the prison would still be at maximum capacity. Tom discussed the risks involved to staff and also to the public with releasing inmates early and also operating a prison that is over crowded.