Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ant vs. Grasshopper and SB 43

A Republican public employee, Senator Jon Greiner, has testified on SB43 (Post Retirement Employment Amendments) during today's Senate Floor time. Greiner invoked the fable of the ants and the grasshopper. He labeled the employees the ants and the nation's financial institutions the locust. His allegory suggested that public employees are shouldering the burden of irresponsible institutions.

Additionally, Greiner asked the bill's sponsor, Dan Liljenquist, whether or not the bill would favor non-state employees who hire with the state after retirement.

Liljenquist conceded that out of state new-hires and new-hires entering public employment from the private sector would not be impacted by current legislation. It would follow, then, that public employees who retire would have a disadvantage in pay over non-public employees who become re-employed with the state.
Greiner asked, "Why would we send this through without putting it to a task force?"
As of this writing, no votes have been cast on SB43. Update coming soon.