Thursday, February 5, 2009

Health Systems Reform

On Tuesday UPEA met with Cathy Dupont, the General Council for the Health Systems Reform Task Force, who is currently drafting the bills relating to heath care reform.  Dupont noted that the Health Systems Reform Insurance Market bill (not yet numbered) currently creates health care reform specifically for the small employer.  The bill would give the ability for the large employer to participate in 2012.  Dupont explained, the bill would allow small employers to offer group plans through a HSA or 125 cafeteria plan.  Then employees would use an internet portal similar to Einsurance or Travelocity to shop for health insurance.  This would continue to be a group plan with group rating, not individual plans.  UPEA will continue to track this bill because it could potentially affect the public employee health plan; as this bill lays the groundwork for statewide health care reform.