Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Letter to your legislator

UPEA needs your help. It is critical for UPEA members to contact their legislators regarding the PEHP health insurance increase. The health insurance increase for state employees is $17.3 million. In the face of furloughs, RIF’s and the possible, and probable, underfunding of the state’s 1.5% contribution into your 401(k), state employees should not have to fund this increase.

Last year state employees were encouraged to move from the PEHP Preferred Plan to the less expensive managed care plans in an effort to reduce costs and save money. Once again the legislature wants state employees to sacrifice to reduce costs and save money by funding the FY2009-2010 health insurance increase.

The legislature is backfilling public education, higher education, and other programs within state government. State employees are sacrificing enough ask your legislator to prioritize state employees and fund the PEHP health insurance increase.

Please email your legislator on your own time and using your own equipment. Legislative email addresses can be accessed at Click on the “Legislator” tab on the left hand side of the page and type in your address to find your senator and representative.

Below is a sample email for you to use.

Dear ______________:

I am a constituent and a public employee. I would like to express my concern over the PEHP health insurance increase. Last year I changed my PEHP coverage to help reduce costs. Please prioritize state employees and fund the PEHP health insurance increase. The proposed furloughs will create enough of a financial burden.

Thank you.

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