All UPEA Employee Representatives attended legislative joint appropriations subcommittees on Monday. The Legislative Fiscal Analysts presented recommendations for cutting the state budget by 15%. Agency directors testified to the impacts of these cuts and legislators asked questions to clarify certain points. Overall, Monday’s session was informative. The committees will meet again on Wednesday, January 21st, beginning at 9:00 a.m. to debate and vote on recommendations to include in an appropriations bill.
UPEA is gathering information from ALL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES to share with legislators about how the cuts will affect them and to suggest alternatives to losing FTEs. Please take the survey and encourage all public employees to take the survey. Visit to enter the survey.
UPEA’s President, Mark Murray, along with Todd Sutton and Audry Wood, met with Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. on Monday to show support for the governor’s budget proposal. The governor’s proposed 7% in state budget cuts underscores the necessity for reductions while serving the best interests of employees and the public they serve. The governor also supports funding a 10% health insurance increase and maintaining current wages.